Route 666 (anthology)

Route 666

UK: Games Workshop, 1990; PB. ISBN: 187237203

A Dark Future book.

An anthology of short stories, edited by David Pringle, and featuring the short story, ‘Route 666’, the genesis of the later book of the same name.

Other contributors: Myles Burnham, Brian Craig, William King, Neil Jones and Neil McIntosh.


“He had recognised the colours of his attackers. They were The Psychopomps, one of the mid-sized Western gangcults. Mostly girls. They favoured spiked heels, fishnet body-stockings, basques, glam make-up, stormcloud hairdos, painted fingernail implants, Russian pop music, Kray-Zee pills, random violence, facial mutilations and Kar-Tel Kustom Kars. Compared with the Maniax, the Clean or The Bible Belt, they were easy-goers. After all, they had only killed three of the resettlers.”

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